Mirage News - Heart Foundation heart age calculator

Research into more than 1,300 Australians who took the Heart Foundation’s online heart age test show that 50 per cent lost weight and more than 60 per cent increased their exercise and improved their diet just 10 weeks after receiving their result.
The findings, published in the international Journal of Medical Internet Research, provide a first-of its-kind insight into the profile of Australians’ heart health and the impact of the Heart Foundation’s Heart Age Calculator on health and lifestyle behaviours.
Lead author, Heart Foundation Research Fellow Dr Carissa Bonner from The University of Sydney, said the results show high public interest in online heart age tools, which can help raise awareness and prompt people to visit their doctor for a more accurate risk assessment.
“The findings show the Heart Age Calculator can evoke a memorable and emotional response from people. Ten weeks after receiving their heart age report, most survey respondents remembered their result and reported making positive lifestyle changes to reduce their risk of heart attack and stroke,” Dr Bonner said.
“Key to this process was helping people understand their risk factors more clearly by providing a personalised report and follow-up information about how to reduce their risk.”


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